

I don’t want to make light of what I’m about to say, but I use this image to lighten a sometimes pretty heavy subject.  That subject being that many of us have in the past, now are, or will in the future deal with some pretty hurtful things from someone in our family.  It’s just the way relationships are.  Sometimes people can make a mess of their lives (just look at her!), and sometimes relationships become messy.

Our families are our greatest blessings-and sometimes our greatest burdens.  When we have tension in our marriages or homes, we suffer deep pain, anger, or anxiety.  When we’re worried about a loved one, the distress can become obsessive.

There are four things we can do in every circumstance: (1) Love unconditionally.  Remember, loving someone doesn’t mean endorsing his or her behavior.  (2) Model the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).  When we’re loving, joyful, peaceful, and patient, it always improves the climate.  (3) As much as possible, keep open the lines of communication.  (4) Pray.

Our families are precious blessings that should be treated with prayer.  Remember, God can do more with them than we can.


Portions of commentary from David Jeremiah’s Turning Point Devotional, November 19/20, 2016.

Photo credit: T. Link


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